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Our Liberty Call Brewing Company

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

If you have been to The Barn at Walnut Grove, then you know about our brewery, Liberty Call Brewing Company. 

Liberty Call is a Naval military term. When a ship pulls into port, the announcement: 'Liberty Call, Liberty Call, All Hands Liberty Call' is made over the 1MC/loudspeaker and those Sailors not on duty can leave the ship to enjoy the current port of call.  Those two words are something every Sailor loves to hear especially after long stretches at sea.

In addition to our brewery name, we’ve named our beers after Naval terms. Our wheat ale is called Pollywog and our IPA is called Shellback, just to name a couple. A Pollywog is a Sailor who has never crossed the equator while at sea and Shellback is one who has. In order to become a Shellback, you have to go through a day long ritual on the deck of the ship in the hot sun. We call our easy drinking lager Cinderella Liberty because if you’re on “Cinderella Liberty” you must return to the ship by midnight.

While our brewery is not open to the general public, we do offer ways for you to enjoy our beers. 

  1. Book a wedding or event!  We will provide our beers along with a full bar of PA made wine & spirits. 

  2. Attend one of our scheduled events; Music/Trivia/Bingo! Whether you are a member, the guest of a member or someone just looking for something fun to do and to see what we are all about, The Barn at Walnut Grove welcomes you to any of our scheduled events where we feature our beers along with a full bar of PA made wine & spirits.  The atmosphere is fantastic whether the events are inside or outside.  Our in-house caterer brings her food truck so take the night off from cooking too!  We host events at our location multiple times per month. Becoming a member is easy and affordable, learn more today.

After a long day or week make your own Liberty Call and join us here at The Barn at Walnut Grove to Enjoy Your Liberty!

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